


ABA Academy offers a range of services including Applied Behavior Intervention (Verbal Behavior; LOVAAS method and Incidental Teaching), Play groups for children ages 4-5, social skills groups k-grade3, teen support groups, anxiety/depression management groups, anger management groups and parent support groups.


ACT is a cognitive-behavioral intervention model that is designed to create "psychological flexibility" by helping clients expand their options of how they react to life events (Luoma, et al., 2007). ACT employs an array of strategies that help clients live lives that are more meaningful, and governed by their personal values. The strategies include "contact with the present moment", "acceptance of self and others", "defusion", "deliteralization", "contact with the transcended sense of self", "values based living", and "committed action" (Luoma, et al., 2007).
The ACT therapy model views psychopathology as a relationship between the following processes; "experiential avoidance", "cognitive fusion", "attachment to the conceptualized self", "inaction, impulsivity, or avoidant persistence", "lack of values, clarity or contact" and "dominance of the conceptualized past and future; limited self-knowledge" (Wilson & Dufrene, 2008). Interaction of these processes may lead to "psychological inflexibility" which is defined as the inability to alter the way one responds to environmental stimuli in order to live a life according to ones� values (Luoma, et al., 2007).

Social skills group K-grade 3
This group comprises multiple dimensions that include self-regulation practice; Emotions recognition and self expression; friendship building activities; story comprehension and socio-drama.
The objective of self regulation practice is to instruct students in a variety of calming techniques that had been found effective in regulating tension and anxiety. Each student develops their own special relaxation tool box and explores those strategies that are best suited for them. Parent and educators are encouraged to use the tool box with the child on regular basis and promote generalization across environments and situations. The students are provided with continuous support and practice until they are able to implement self regulation independently and demonstrate mastery over the urges to act impulsively. Some of the techniques that students are instructed in involve: deep breathing, guided imagery, meditation, art meditation, music mediation and active meditation.
The purpose of emotions recognition and self-expression is to help students manage their impulse control, understand the consequences of their actions, brainstorm solutions to common problems and form a habit of thinking, help develop positive behavioral habits that reflect self-discipline and a concern for others, encourage students to discuss their internal feelings and understand emotions of others and develop student�s emotional vocabulary and support them in becoming effective agents and self-advocates. The objective of the friendship building activities is to teach students those character traits and qualities that make a good friend. The group is introduced to multiple concepts that form a foundation of firnedship between individuals, those include empathy, active listening, cooperation, helpfulness, kindness, appropriate language and self-awareness. The lesson are carried out in a variety of ways through book discussions, craft activites, individual presentations, worksheets and games in order to maintain student�s interest and active engagement. The group emphasizes child�s thorough understanding of the concepts and their implementation.
The objective of the story comprehension is for the students to demonstrate their understanding of a plot and underlying concepts, the students answer story related questions and relate to similar situations in their own lives. The objective of the socio drama is to re-enact different roles and characters. This practice allows students to view social situations from a new perspective, play interactively with others and communicate in a reciprocal fashion. Flexibility, imagination and creativity are encouraged and cultivated.

Teen Support Group
The purpose of the teen support group is to establish a support network of young teens that meet regularly every month. Group discussions are facilitated and important concerns addressed that are part of life�s transitions. Students develop conversation skills, establish and maintain friendships, develop life skills that are required to effectively deal with difficult family situations and social situations and are necessary to manage frustration, anxiety and anger. The students learn about personal hygiene, dating, future employment and aspirations. In addition, the group�s focus is to help each student understand and accept their diagnosis, foster sense of self and help build personal resiliency. The treatment modality for this group is a combination of Cognitive Behavior approach and acceptance Commitment therapy.

Anxiety Support Group and Anger Support Group
This is a short commitment group that is formed for the purpose of developing strategies that are effective in managing anxiety and or anger. The group therapy takes 6 sessions to complete with one follow up session after 3 months. The Cognitive Behavior therapy program is highly structured and it is guided by the formalized treatment developed by a clinical psychologist Dr. Attwood. This therapy is suited for students with Asperger�s syndrome, high functioning Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (NOS). At the end of treatment the student is more aware of their emotional reactions and is better able to identify triggers. The students also develop different and unique strategies that help them cope in either anxiety or anger provoking situations. If the students wish to continue to participate after their treatment they have an option to enroll in the teen support group based on individual suitability and need.