

Home ABA Program

What does Home ABA Program entail?

  • A home program is comprised of a team of behavior interventionists who work directly with a child on daily basis providing intensive ABA therapy. The number of hours will vary based on child’s level of functioning.
  • Behavior consultant is responsible for conducting an Assessment of Basic Language and Learning skills of the child.
  • Those skills involved in social interaction, group instruction and generalized responding are assessed during preschool/school visits.
  • Additional assessments are conducted with school age learners to investigate critical thinking skills and learning style.
  • Subsequent assessments are conducted every 6 months depending on the child’s progress.
  • Behavior Consultant is responsible for developing a comprehensive curriculum that will reflect child’s individual needs. The Intervention Plan will clearly outline short-term and long-term academic objectives.


  • Behavior Consultant will conduct functional assessment and functional analysis to address behavior issues and assist parents in implementing behavior plans.
  • Behavior Consultant will continuously provide intensive training to therapists and parents in Discrete Trial teaching methodology and Natural Environment Training based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. The Behavior Consultant will implement other techniques that had been supported by scientific research; those include Incidental Teaching, Pivotal Training or Group Intervention that focuses on developing social awareness and interactive play skills.
  • Behavior Consultant will provide ongoing supervision of the team members to maintain the integrity of the program.
  • Behavior Consultant will conduct monthly team meetings to review child’s progress and consult other professionals that had been assigned to work with the child.

Peer Support and Social Skills Groups

What is a social skills and peer support group?
The social skills and peer support group is comprised of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. The group members are closely matched according to their social skill level, academic aptitude and language comprehension. In order to maintain group cohesiveness children need to demonstrate required pre-requisite skills, including high level of cooperation and basic conversational skills. Typically, there are five to seven participants in each group. They meet once a week at the ABA Academy site. The children work together on developing their social skills, increasing social awareness and forming strong and long-lasting friendships with their peers.
In addition to group goals, playgroup facilitator focuses on each child and their individual needs, ensuring that learning opportunities are created throughout the session.
Each playgroup term lasts 3 months, and at the end of each term parents are provided with a detailed report on their child’s progress. In addition, the facilitator provides a written feedback to parents at the end of every playgroup.

When will the social skills and peer support group begin?
The next social group is scheduled to begin in April until July of 2008.

Who facilitates social skills and peers support groups?
The facilitator and program developer is Dominika Szymanska-McDonald, BA, BCABA and MA candidate who has extensive knowledge and experience in facilitating social groups.

What are some of the social skills that are targeted during social skills and peer support groups?

  • Appropriate emotional expression
  • Cooperative play and team work
  • Competitive play – winning and loosing
  • Problem solving
  • Negotiation and conflict resolution
  • Communication and listening
  • Conversational skills
  • Meaning of friendship
  • Leadership skills
  • Interpretation of indirect verbal and non-verbal cues
  • Development of greater social self-awareness
  • Good social manners
  • Coping strategies

What is the monthly cost?
Parents are asked to register their child for the full term of three months.
The payments are processed at the beginning of every month. There are two payment options, a single payment of $1,008.00 (GST included) or three separate payments of $336.00 (GST included).